About Naturopathy

Why Naturopathy?

The cure of nature is the science of life, which deals with the care of the organism in a state of disease. Treatment includes measures such as a proper diet, administration of herbal juices, fasting, rest and relaxation, exercise, pranayama, sunbathing, hydropathy, mud therapy, etc. There is no place in science for drugs of any kind that ultimately endanger health. Non-violence to the human body is accepted as the basic principle that governs the application of Nature’s healing measures.

Naturopathy as Science of Living -

It is a system of treatment of diseases without drugs. This healing system firmly believes that the living body heals itself.

In other words, naturopathy is based on the recognition that the body possesses not only a natural ability to resist disease, but also inherent recovery and self-regulation mechanisms. It is a treatment system that recognizes the existence of a vital healing force in the body. The body will have a greater resistance to disease or at least the ability to recover to normal if it becomes ill.

In the human body, every cell and tissue is endowed with vitality and endowed with the instinct for self-preservation. Natural healing is a biological process that always comes from within and is automatic, spontaneous and continuous. In Naturopathy, these attempts are encouraged through the use of natural factors such as diet, exercise and relaxation, fresh air, and water cure (hydrotherapy). The overall driving force of treatment is to restore a patient’s healthy conditions to the extent possible and equally advocate for prevention rather than cure.

Naturopathy Approach -

Naturopathy is the treatment of disorders and diseases by natural methods and is based on the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself. An individual treatment will focus on resolving the underlying causes and symptoms of a disease. As a naturopath, you believe that many health problems can be improved with healthy eating, which will have a positive impact on physical, mental and emotional well-being. Treatment can be incorporated into your lifestyle and some of the natural methods used may include:

  • Alkaline diet,
  • Organic vegetables and fruit,
  • Pure water and juices,
  • Herbal medicine,
  • Nutritional supplements: minerals and vitamins,
  • Reflexology,
  • Elimination of toxins/Detoxification,
  • Bach Flower Remedies,
  • Exercise,
  • Relaxation,
  • Tissue Salts.

Naturopathy Diet -

  • Brown Rice: This rice is semi-polished, the color is reddish brown, and it has more beneficial nutrients compared to white rice or polished rice. When cooking brown rice, wash it twice and let it soak for 2-3 hours before cooking it in the rice cooker with the same water.
  • Rice Soup: Follow directions with brown rice, but the water should be 8-10 times the number of cups of rice. Cook until thickened, remove the rice and drink the soup. It is very nutritive.
  • Sprouted Legumes: Examples of legumes are Harbara Dal, Green Mug, Matki and more, they are very nutritious when you eat them raw after sprouting. To make them sprout, soak the legumes in water and leave for 8-12 hours, drain the water while the legumes should be wrapped for a day with a thick, damp cloth. The secret is to keep the thick cloth damp by watering a couple of times a day. If the shoots are left on the fabric for two to three days, the length increases.
  • Naturopathy believes that the longer they get, the more nutritious. Include raw sprouts in your daily diet or you can add variety by boiling or sautéing them with spices, salt and pepper for flavor.
  • Carrot Juice: When making carrot juice, remove the inner layer which is the white stem as it is acidic. Use the outer layer to extract the juice.
  • Vegetable Salad: Use vegetables like cucumber, carrot, cabbage, beet, radish, lettuce, spinach, coriander and more by cutting them into small pieces or shredding them, mix well, and sprinkle a little pepper and salt for flavor.
  • Another variation of your vegetable salad is adding honey and nuts, this will entice children to eat more.
  • Basil Leaf Tea: When making basil leaf tea, mix the following ingredients: 2 cups of water, 3-4 basil leaves, 2 grams of ginger, lemongrass, and Jaggery as a sweetener. Boil them together without adding milk, this combination is much more refreshing than regular tea or coffee.
  • Lime water: get a glass or hot or cold water depending on your preference, squeeze half or the whole lemon and then stir but do not add sugar or salt. Drinking lime water in the morning first of all has been proven therapeutic.
Principles of Naturopathy
  • “Treat the underlying causes of the disease” – A naturopathic physician should do everything possible to cure the cause of the patient’s disease rather than simply alleviating or eliminating symptoms.
  • Another essential principle of naturopathy is that naturopathic treatments are based solely on natural processes and products and that certain types of treatments or remedies will never be ruled out.
  • A naturopathic physician must understand the unique physical, psychological, genetic, social, and environmental factors that contribute to a patient’s illness and personalize his or her treatment plan. 

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